Ok so now the meat of what this is all about. I re-watch Aliens last night for about the billionth time and I figure i should share some of my thoughts on it. First of all, I love this movie. This is more or less the reason I could watch it over and over and over again. Now, I could tell you why this is so great or why this was done this way but instead of being that kind of know-it-all prick Im going to tell you the top 5 best lines of the movie. Yea, thats right. This movie is full of great lines that i just cant stop quoting. The worst part about quoting a movie at random times is when people haven't seen it so they just look at you like your out of your fucking mind. But here is my list of quotes
Number 5. "Get away from her you bitch!". Man.... its like your mom learned how to drive a mech and she isn't taking shit from anyone. That whole fight scene is just too bad ass for words. People getting ripped in half, flame thrower vs. little alien mouth, airlock battle and a giant robot. The only thing that would of made this cooler would of been ninjas with laser swords .
Number 4. " In the pipe, 5 by 5". WTF DOES THIS MEAN!!!??? I have spent so many hours of my life wondering what the hell this meant. I know in space movies its a normal thing to spurt out random techno babble but there is a limit on what you can say!! This line has haunted me... YES haunted me because its the only thing in this movie that is stupid out of place. Its like everyone in the drop ship raising their hands in unison and yelling " We are the Snow Monkey!" Not only is it bad english but its also retarded
Number 3. Every Line that Sgt. Apone says.... Have you ever really listen to what he was saying?? Its all nonsenses... every bit of it. Like when he say "Look in to my eye" for no reason and that weird noise right before he calls the soldier's all bad ass's. Maybe its some kind of inside space joke but this movie wasn't made for space people. Im glad he gets killed off early. I don't think i could take too many of his space jokes.
Number 2. "They mostly come at night... mostly" There are so many things you can apply this too. Just watch
Working a drive through : Do I get a toy in my happy meal?
They mostly come with Toys... mostly
First date : Do you wanna come in for a drink?
They mostly don't come in ... mostly
Paying your rent : This isn't the full rent
They mostly give us more time... mostly
Besides people thinking that you talk like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings you are sure to make new friends with this line. Also, its mostly impossible to get out of your head... mostly .. Damn it.
Number 1. "GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER!" Oh Bill Paxton... I cant help but to love this line. Its so lame and he sucks so bad... which makes it that much cooler. Once again this line can be used anywhere and at all times really. Get is to a finder bender... game over man! Sleep with a yeti... game over man! Start quoting aliens... GAME OVER MAN!!
Over all its a great film and if you haven't watched it i recommend you pick this one up.
On my Scale it get 10 dragons
In the pipe 5 by 5 means that she is approaching the landing strip and is the dead center. The landing strip is the pipe and 5x5 is the imaginary outer widths of space between the aircraft used to indicate she is dead center.