Monday, March 16, 2009

The Flock

I never thought I would see a movie with Richard Gere as a... im not sure bad ass is the right word. Maybe more like crazy man with a gun is a better way of putting it. The Flock is a movie about people who are payed to check in on sex offenders living in the outside world. Richard plays Erroll Babbage, a lonely, half retarded guy who is really getting into his job. Im not sure if Babbage is really retarded or Richard Gere just is retarded but the fact remains that someone is retarded. Anyways if you want to know the story just watch the movie... 
One thing that struck me as odd was that they Gere and his sidekick Claire Danes  are not cops. In fact, they don't even have guns. (Ok well Gere has one but only because he is edgy) Its not like they send them to a safe home of a guy who got caught being a peeping tom but rather to the home of the criminally insane. WHY would you do that? This just seems like a bad idea to me. Also, the fact that Claire Danes looks like she weights maybe 110 doesn't bode well for her ability to fend of a bat shit crazy rapist. Maybe thats what they were going for ya know? "Lets send a woman by her self, with no gun, training or anything to defend her self with! You know... to throw them off!"
In this movie Gere is always hitting people. Sometimes for no reason. He hits a guy with a bat, a stick, a bottle and he also slaps people. I think in every other scene he is hitting someone with something. He slaps old people, hits sex offenders, hits a chick with a bottle and slaps a guy thats dying. Its was like he wanted to cross over to the bad ass side but Rambo never slapped anybody... because its lame. Why bother giving him a gun if he is just going to be slapping people and hitting the elderly with blunt objects? Just think what dirty hairy would of be like with no gun and slapping people. Its a bit of a stretch but thats what this felt like. I do have to tell you that watching Richard Gere slap all of those people was pretty funny. 
Over all it was just a "ok" movie with a few good moments. Unless your really into Richard Gere slapping thing you might be better off with something else. Its like how  "Black Snake Moan" made me feel after seeing it. I still cant tell if I liked it. Sure it was enjoyable but nothing really stuck. It was all very bland, done before and better. 

My scale I give it 4 Dragons for its "ok"ness 

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